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Our Program Communities

At IPSL, we provide opportunities for you to connect deeply with people and social change organizations all over the world.

Earn a practical, hands-on master's degree, complete a short-term experience abroad, learn a language, conduct research, or travel with a group...the foundation is always Service to our partner communities. 

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IPSL Graduate student in Guatemala

Where can I go?

Not sure yet of your desired location?
Contact us at and we'll be happy to talk over the options.


Typical Volunteer Service Opportunities

  • Food Justice/Security 

  • International Education and Exchange 

  • Peace and Reconciliation 

  • Indigenous Rights 

  • Sustainable Community-based Development 

  • International Intergovernmental Organizations (e.g., United Nations) 

  • NGO Empowering and Reintegrating Women in a Post-Conflict Society 

  • International Relief and Development Agencies (e.g., Doctors Without Borders) 

  • Urban Public Education Service Districts 

  • Sustainable Development in Coastal Zones 

  • Refugee Assistance/Education Center 

  • International Student Services/Study Abroad Offices 

  • Residential facility for Children Living with HIV/AIDS 

  • Residential Facility for the Disabled 

  • GAP Year International Service-Learning Organization 

  • LGBTQ Youth Advocacy Center 

  • Arts and Theatre Group Working with Disabled Adults 

  • Animal Welfare for Homeless Populations 

  • Residential Facility Assisting/Educating Sex Workers 

  • Women’s Reproductive Health Clinics 

  • Community-Based Clinics in Underserved Regions 

  • Centers for At-Risk Youth 

  • Nonprofit Promoting Fair Trade 


IPSL's mission is to engage students, educators, and grassroots organizations around the world in hands-on service to promote equitable relationships, social justice, sustainable change, and a commitment to our shared humanity.


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